Trusting in Uncertainty

Trusting in Uncertainty

This workshop is aimed at looking at our relationship with the unknown.

Navigating through life we are constantly faced with the unknown. With new situations, new people, new interactions. Nothing ever stays the same. If we don’t have a solid relationship with the unknown. If we don’t trust in the unknown, we can seek out safety in familiarity.

This means doing the same things over and over again. Never leaving our comfort zones and repeating the same routines day in and day out. There is value in this behaviour but when taken to the extreme it can stop us from living life fully. If we project ourselves into the future it means we will get to the end of our lives and realise that we never actually lived.

Having a good relationship with the unknown, with uncertainty, allows us to explore more. To experience novelty. To have agency and decide where we want to go and what we want to do; instead of simply going with the flow or repeating the same thing we did yesterday, last week, last year.

In this workshop we will be raising our awareness of our relationship with the unfamiliar. We will do this through group discussions and through gentle explorations of the unknown in the physical world. This will include jumping into water from high up, exploring dark caves and open water swimming. All of which will be done at our own pace and to the level we are comfortable with (or ever so slightly uncomfortable with).

This gentle exploration will broaden our comfort zone and afford us more confidence in experiencing more in life.

The details

Where: The bridge of Love, Agia Napa

When: 26th of October, 11am

Who: Those looking to get more out of life (only requirement is to be able to swim and do some easy climbing on rocks)

How much: This workshop is priced at 35 euros (50% of the proceeds are being donated to support the people in Gaza and Lebanon)

To reserve your spot simply email or DM on instagram @exploring_fear

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An Alternative to Anxiety Workshop

An Alternative to Anxiety Workshop

In this workshop we will be exploring anxiety, its function and its role in our lives. The distinction between fear and anxiety is that fear is more immediate and specifc (think swimming in the ocean and spotting a shark), whereas anxiety is often more far away in space and time and often quite general or vague (think social anxiety or being anxious about travelling). With this in mind the first thing we can do is to look at our anxiety and get quite specific about it. We can look at what might have started it, when we feel it the most, what thoughts and feelings we have when we feel anxious. Then using this information we can find some of our underlying beliefs around the anxiety we experience and our ability to handle it.

Knowing this is key because it then allows us to question these beliefs. To test them. See how they hold up under the microscope. This then gives us the freedom to explore alternatives. Through this testing and experimenting we can build new coping strategies, new ways of dealing with these situations.

This is exactly what we will be looking at in the workshop. Familiarising ourselves with anxiety from a fresh perspective and then looking at alternative ways of behaving.

If you are interested in exploring this further then email to reserve your spot

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Cultivating Joy through Fear

Cultivating Joy through Fear

This collaboration workshop with Charlotte Teunissen will be looking at how we can raise awareness in these challening moments that create fear and see how we can make a conscious choice in our way of perceiving and behaving. Choosing to be curious in these situations and moving forward from a place of love and joy instead of fear and aversion.

The exercises in this workshop will be aimed at just that. Slowing down and really seeing instead of acting compulsively or out of habit.

We will be exploring different avenues for creating this awareness and these new behavioural responses. They will include cliff jumping, cave exploration, vocal expression, dance, authentic relating and more

DM on instagram or email to reserve your spot

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Fear to Freedom

Fear to Freedom

This workshop will accelerate you on your journey from fear to freedom. Developing your relationship with fear and uncertainty to the point where fear becomes something

to be explored with curiosity instead of something to be avoided.

Fear is a mile wide and an inch thick and on the other side of fear is so often the gold of freedom and growth

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Beyond Fear
to 15 Apr

Beyond Fear

A mindful approach to cultivating agency
This 3 day workshop is packed full of activities to put you in contact with fear, moments filled with tension, relief, joy and empowerment, and time for reflection, integration and learning. The workshop will be facilitated by Louis Allan and James Qureshi, blending their backgrounds in mindfulness and movement to bring you a unique experience in getting in touch with your inner warrior. You will be enCouraged to seek discomfort at a pace that you decide

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