In this workshop we will be exploring anxiety, its function and its role in our lives. The distinction between fear and anxiety is that fear is more immediate and specifc (think swimming in the ocean and spotting a shark), whereas anxiety is often more far away in space and time and often quite general or vague (think social anxiety or being anxious about travelling). With this in mind the first thing we can do is to look at our anxiety and get quite specific about it. We can look at what might have started it, when we feel it the most, what thoughts and feelings we have when we feel anxious. Then using this information we can find some of our underlying beliefs around the anxiety we experience and our ability to handle it.
Knowing this is key because it then allows us to question these beliefs. To test them. See how they hold up under the microscope. This then gives us the freedom to explore alternatives. Through this testing and experimenting we can build new coping strategies, new ways of dealing with these situations.
This is exactly what we will be looking at in the workshop. Familiarising ourselves with anxiety from a fresh perspective and then looking at alternative ways of behaving.
If you are interested in exploring this further then email to reserve your spot